Virtual Hike Photosby hospiceadmin Virtual Hike photos Click on photos below to enlarge Bob & Anita Cunningham Hike for Hospice near Lion’s HeadMarg Glendon, Team Captain of the Peninsula SoleSisters enjoys a hike on the Bruce Trail for Hike for HospiceDonna Baker’s husband John, enjoying a moment on the commemorative bench created by son Sean in Donna’s memoryElaine Bell AKA The Clavering Slow TrotterThe Clavering Slow Trotter hiking the Bruce Trail for Hike for Hospice.Elaine’s family trotting alongJanice Sims takes her Bury Road Hikes — One day hiking north… one day hiking south.At Otter Lake from a new birding platform – A beautiful, trumpeter swan flew by us.Walker Woods (Sauble Beach) – Old growth Hemlocks, orchids and fairy houses if can you find them?Go for a hike and hug a tree while you’re at itJodie B. (Dream Chaser team) – Winner of the Hike for Hospice draw prize